
Hvad betyder veneration?

Veneration refers to a deep respect, admiration, or reverence for someone or something, often associated with an elevated or profound level of honor and adoration. It implies a feeling of awe or reverence towards a person or an entity, typically based on their exceptional qualities, achievements, or sacred nature. Veneration can be seen in various contexts, such as religious practices, cultural traditions, or social interactions, where individuals or communities express great admiration and esteem towards revered figures, deities, ancestors, or objects.

Sætninger med veneration

  • The ancient Greeks had a deep veneration for their gods and goddesses.
  • She regarded her grandmother with great veneration and respect.
  • In many cultures, the veneration of ancestors is an important aspect of religious rituals.
  • The historical figure is held in high veneration by the local community.
  • The Buddhist monk radiated a sense of calm and veneration.
  • Visiting the shrine, the pilgrims showed their veneration by bowing and praying.
  • The veneration of saints is a common practice among Catholics.
  • After years of dedication, the artist finally earned the veneration of the art world.
  • The tribal elders were treated with veneration and their words were highly respected.
  • In some cultures, veneration is shown through the offering of gifts or sacrifices.
  • The poets work is still read and studied with great veneration today.
  • In Hinduism, the veneration of deities takes place through various rituals and ceremonies.
  • The teacher commanded the veneration of her students through her knowledge and wisdom.
  • Some cultures have a veneration for nature and its powerful forces.
  • The leader of the community was held in veneration for his wise decisions and guidance.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Admiration
  • Awe
  • Respect
  • Esteem
  • Reverence
  • Worship
  • Homage
  • Devotion
  • Honour
  • Glorification

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • Admiration
  • Esteem
  • Respect
  • Awe
  • Reverence
  • Adoration
  • Worship
  • Devotion
  • Honoring
  • Venerating


Ordet veneration stammer fra latinets veneratio, som kommer fra verbet venerari, der betyder at tilbede eller at ære. Etymologisk set er veneration derfor forbundet med ideen om høj agtelse, respekt og ærefrygt over for en person, en ting eller en idé. Det bruges ofte til at beskrive en dyb respekt eller ærbødighed, der udtrykkes gennem handlinger eller ritualer.

Andre populære ord: TriangelPressefoldTalsmandOgsåMotivationStendyngeDisciplinPejlingAffektSkibInformerRasereTilbageMarskandiserTerrænTæerNervøsNajeRodsSkålRundholtSkoldetStyrmandDvaskMageløsForudsætningMotorikTræffePrydCourierKumulereCuisinePekuniærÆrindeEssentielleSabotageParlørIntimiderendePrimitivLapsusBrusebadPlagiereImplicereNaturalierSalomoniskAfbrækFestivalØfferBlødteKassation