
Hvad betyder translation?

Translation refers to the process of converting a text or piece of content from one language into another, while maintaining the original meaning and intention of the source language. It involves interpreting the meaning of the source text and accurately conveying it in the target language, considering linguistic, cultural, and contextual factors. Translation can be applied to various forms of content such as literature, documents, websites, software, and multimedia materials. A translators role is to bridge the gap between different languages and cultures, ensuring effective communication across linguistic borders.

Sætninger med translation dansk

  • Translation is the process of converting written or spoken language from one language to another.
  • Our company offers professional translation services in over 50 languages.
  • The translation of this document was completed by a certified translator.
  • Please provide us with the original document for translation.
  • Machine translation is becoming increasingly popular with advancements in technology.
  • Translation errors can occur if the context is not properly understood.
  • The accuracy of a translation depends on the proficiency of the translator.
  • Translation software can assist in speeding up the translation process.
  • There are different translation techniques, such as literal translation and cultural adaptation.
  • Translation can help bridge language barriers in international business.
  • Translating idiomatic expressions can be challenging.
  • The translation of poetry requires a deep understanding of the nuances of both languages.
  • Translation is not a simple word-for-word replacement, but rather an interpretation of meaning.
  • Professional translation agencies often have teams of translators specialized in different fields.
  • Certified translations are often required for legal and official documents.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Interpretation
  • Conversion
  • Rendering
  • Transcription
  • Version
  • Decoding
  • Paraphrasing
  • Rephrasing
  • Conversion
  • Adaptation

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • Interpretation
  • Conversion
  • Rendering
  • Transcription
  • Decoding
  • Adaptation
  • Paraphrasing
  • Interchanging
  • Transliteration
  • Transposing


Ordet translation kommer fra det latinske ordet translatio, som betyder overførsel eller forskydning. Trans betyder over eller på tværs, og latio kommer fra verbet ferre, som betyder at bære eller at føre. Så etymologisk set betyder translation at bære eller føre noget over eller på tværs af en sprogbarriere.

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