
Hvad betyder puget?

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Sætninger med puget

  • Puget Sound is a deep inlet of the Pacific Ocean in Washington state.
  • I love taking walks along the Puget Sound shoreline.
  • The Puget Sound region is known for its stunning natural beauty.
  • Many species of fish can be found in the Puget Sound.
  • The Puget Sound area is a popular destination for boating and sailing.
  • The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard is located in Bremerton, Washington.
  • The Puget Sound economy is heavily influenced by industries such as aerospace and technology.
  • Puget Sound is home to several species of whales, including orcas.
  • The Puget Sound region experiences a mild climate with cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers.
  • Seattle is the largest city in the Puget Sound region.
  • Many people enjoy kayaking and paddleboarding in the Puget Sound.
  • The Puget Sound is an important commercial waterway for shipping and trade.
  • Puget Sound is named after Peter Puget, a British explorer who surveyed the area in the late 18th century.
  • The Puget Sound is a popular spot for birdwatching, with many species of migratory birds passing through the area.
  • The Puget Sound is home to several naval bases and facilities.

Ord med samme betydning

  • fyldt
  • fyldt op
  • pakket
  • bredt
  • fyldt med
  • fyldt til randen
  • stuvet
  • tætpakket

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • Smittet
  • Forurenet
  • Beskidt
  • Uren
  • Snavset
  • Ondsindet
  • Tilsmudset
  • Inficeret
  • Besmittet


Ordet puget stammer fra det franske sprog og kan spores tilbage til det latinske ord pulchrum, som betyder smukt eller henrivende.

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