
Hvad betyder night?

Night is the period of time when the sun is not visible and darkness prevails. It typically begins when the sun sets and ends at dawn when the sun rises. During the night, the sky is usually filled with stars and the moon may be visible. It is a time when most people sleep and many nocturnal animals become active. The duration of the night varies throughout the year based on the location and season.

Sætninger med night

  • The moonlit night was filled with stars.
  • I couldnt sleep last night because of the loud noises outside.
  • We went for a walk on a warm summer night.
  • The night sky was clear and beautiful.
  • We stayed up all night talking and laughing.
  • The night air was cool and refreshing.
  • I love going for a run at night when the streets are quiet.
  • We watched a movie late into the night.
  • The night was filled with excitement and anticipation.
  • I stayed awake all night studying for my exam.
  • We went camping and spent the night under the stars.
  • The night was peaceful and serene.
  • My favorite part of the day is when night falls.
  • We enjoyed a romantic dinner by candlelight at night.
  • I had a nightmare last night and couldnt fall back asleep.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Evening
  • Darkness
  • Midnight
  • Nocturnal
  • Twilight
  • Dusk
  • Bedtime
  • Nox
  • Nocturne

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • day
  • light
  • morning
  • dawn
  • sunrise
  • daybreak


Ordet night stammer fra oldengelsk niht, en forvanskning af det germanske ord nakhts, som igen kan spores tilbage til den protogermanske rod *nahts-. Dette rodord har også rødder i den indo-europæiske rod *nekwt-, som betyder nat. Night er blevet brugt i engelsk siden det 12. århundrede og refererer til den mørke periode af døgnet, hvor solen er under horisonten, og det derfor er mørkt udenfor. Det er almindeligt betragtet som modsætningen til dagen. I de fleste kulturer er natten symboliseret som tidspunktet for hvile, søvn eller mørkets kræfter, og det er også blevet kulturelt forbundet med mystik og ritualer.

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