
Hvad betyder motif?

Et motif refererer til et gentagende eller gennemgående tema, symbol eller element i en kunstnerisk eller litterær arbejde. Det kan være et motiv, der hjælper med at skabe sammenhæng og betydning i værket. Motiver kan være visuelle, som gentagne billeder eller symboler, eller de kan være konceptuelle eller tematiske og gentage sig i form af idéer, følelser eller budskaber. Motiver kan også fungere som et redskab til at udvikle karakterer, plot eller atmosfære i en historie og bidrage til dens overordnede betydning eller budskab.

Sætninger med motif

  • The recurring motif in the novel is the symbol of a rose.
  • The artist used a floral motif in her painting.
  • A common motif in fairy tales is the heros journey.
  • The film director used a dark and ominous motif throughout the movie.
  • The motif of love and loss is explored in the poets work.
  • The designer incorporated a geometric motif in the fabric pattern.
  • The motif of betrayal runs through the entire play.
  • The author used the motif of a broken mirror to symbolize shattered dreams.
  • The recurring musical motif creates a sense of unity in the symphony.
  • The poet often uses the motif of the moon to evoke a sense of longing.
  • The motif of a journey is used as a metaphor for personal growth in the novel.
  • The playwright used the motif of a locked door to represent secrets.
  • The artists work is characterized by the motif of birds in flight.
  • The motif of water is used to symbolize cleansing and renewal in the painting.
  • In the novel, the motif of a red thread connects the lives of the characters.

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • Pattern
  • Design
  • Theme
  • Motive
  • Decoration
  • Style
  • Scheme
  • Figure
  • Aesthetic

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