
Hvad betyder distortion?

Distortion refers to the alteration or modification of an original signal or sound wave. It is commonly associated with audio signals, where it can occur when the original waveform is changed in a way that is perceived as undesirable. Distortion can introduce various forms of audio artifacts, such as unwanted noise, clipping, harmonics, or other signal irregularities. It can be caused by a range of factors, including signal processing, amplification, improper gain staging, or limitations of recording or playback equipment. Distortion can be either intentional, such as the use of distortion effects in music production or guitar amplifiers for creative purposes, or unintentional, which is typically something that engineers and producers strive to minimize.

Sætninger med hvad er distortion

  • Distortion is a type of audio effect that alters the sound signal by adding harmonics and changing the frequency response.
  • Guitarists often use distortion pedals to achieve a gritty and heavy tone.
  • The sound engineer added a slight distortion to the vocals to give them a vintage feel.
  • High levels of distortion can result in loss of clarity and definition in the audio.
  • Some artists intentionally create distortion in their music as a creative choice.
  • The amplifiers distortion knob allows you to adjust the amount of distortion in your guitar tone.
  • The distortion caused by the old vinyl record lent a certain warmth and depth to the music.
  • Excessive distortion in audio playback can be a sign of faulty equipment.
  • She used a distortion pedal to give her bass guitar a more aggressive sound.
  • The distortion in the speaker made it difficult to hear the speech clearly.
  • Electronic musicians often experiment with various distortion effects to create unique sounds.
  • Some music genres, like metal and punk, heavily rely on the use of distortion for their signature sound.
  • The distortion in the video was intentional, meant to highlight the surreal nature of the scenes.
  • Severe distortion can be a symptom of a damaged guitar pickup.
  • The guitarists solos were filled with blazing distortion and wild feedback.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Deformation
  • Aberration
  • Twist
  • Bending
  • Warping
  • Misshaping

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • Clarity
  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Authenticity
  • Reality
  • Purity
  • Exactness
  • Honesty


Ordet distortion stammer fra det latinske ordet distortio, som kommer fra verbet distordere, hvilket betyder at vride eller vende i forskellige retninger. Dette er sammensat af præfikset dis-, der indikerer en modsatretning eller negation, og verbet torquere, der betyder at vride eller vende. Så etymologisk set refererer distortion til handlingen eller tilstanden af at blive vredet eller vendt i en modsat eller unaturlig retning.

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