
Hvad betyder disproportional?

Disproportional (også skrevet som disproportionate) henviser til at noget er uforholdsmæssigt eller uretfærdigt fordelt eller afvigende i forhold til noget andet. Det indebærer, at tingene ikke er i balance eller i harmoni, og at der er en betydelig forskel eller ubalance mellem to eller flere faktorer. Disproportionalitet kan opstå inden for forskellige områder, såsom ressourcefordeling, magtfordeling, indkomstfordeling eller endda i sociale eller demografiske sammenhænge.

Sætninger med disproportional

  • There is a disproportional number of students in the science department compared to the arts department.
  • The allocation of resources in the company is disproportional, with one department receiving far more funding than the others.
  • The punishment for a minor offense seems disproportional to the crime committed.
  • The wealth gap between the rich and the poor is growing at a disproportional rate.
  • The representation of women in leadership positions is disproportional to their population.
  • The amount of time required to complete the task is disproportional to the effort needed.
  • The amount of food wasted at the event was disproportional to the number of attendees.
  • The impact of the decision will have a disproportional effect on marginalized communities.
  • The benefits of the new policy are disproportional, with only a few individuals receiving significant advantages.
  • The distribution of healthcare resources in rural areas is disproportional to that in urban areas.
  • The discrepancy in salary between male and female employees is disproportional, with women earning significantly less.
  • The environmental impact of the industry is disproportional, with the local ecosystem suffering the most.
  • The number of arrests for minor offenses among certain demographics is disproportional, indicating potential bias in law enforcement.
  • The educational opportunities available to students in low-income neighborhoods are disproportional to those in affluent areas.
  • The amount of media coverage certain events receive is disproportional to their importance in the grand scheme of things.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Imbalanced
  • Unequal
  • Incommensurate
  • Out of proportion
  • Disproportionate
  • Misproportioned
  • Uneven
  • Unbalanced
  • Disproportional
  • Immoderate

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • balanced
  • proportional
  • even
  • harmonious
  • equal
  • fair
  • symmetrical
  • compatible
  • aligned


Ordet disproportional stammer fra det latinske verbet disproportio, som betyr å være i ulik forhold. Dis- er en prefiks som betyr fra hverandre eller i motsatt retning, mens proportio betyr forhold eller andel. Når de to delene kombineres, dannes ordet disproportional, som refererer til noe som er i en ulik eller uforholdsmessig forhold eller andel.

Andre populære ord: ArsenikKanonslagIndskudFaglighedLevnedsmidlerAntonymCambodjanerModsatSheikOmstødeTopskudProgramNatteravnBrødflovUdbudMedkontrahentDyEscalopeÅrhusianerDoktrinærAber DabeiKontinuumSkribleIgennemSpillestedDriftKonstellationGnusKomplimentIdolBesvimeLokationerMærkVæretPøbelSvigerbrorArkaiskKiksetPartisanStåbiPoppenCougarLøbSidstVarmeresistentOpbevareAvsOdiøstFeature