
Hvad betyder bullseye?

Bullseye er et udtryk, der bruges til at beskrive præcis og præcis placering eller opnåelse af et mål eller en succes. Det refererer til at ramme en central plet på et måltavle eller et målområde, som normalt har formen af en cirkel med en tydelig midte. At opnå et bullseye betyder typisk, at man har ramt det ønskede resultat eller leveret perfe

Sætninger med bullseye

  • Hit the bullseye with that shot!
  • The archers arrow landed right in the bullseye.
  • She threw the dart and it hit the bullseye dead center.
  • His aim was impeccable as he nailed the bullseye with his paintball gun.
  • The sniper took aim and fired, hitting the bullseye on the target.
  • They practiced for hours to perfect their bullseye skills.
  • The dartboard had a small red bullseye in the center.
  • With one clean strike, he scored a bullseye on the shooting range.
  • She played darts and managed to hit the bullseye every time.
  • They played a game of archery and tried their best to hit the bullseye.
  • He aimed for the bullseye and released the arrow, watching as it flew true.
  • She carefully aligned her shot, hoping to land a bullseye on the target.
  • The bullseye was the hardest area to hit, but he managed to do it consistently.
  • They honed their bullseye skills by practicing daily.
  • He won the competition by consistently hitting the bullseye with his darts.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Target
  • Bulls-eye
  • Center
  • Mark
  • Hit

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • Miss
  • Misfire
  • Off target
  • Miss the mark
  • Wide of the mark

Andre populære ord: ErhvervslivDetDibleHvilkeAd LibitumÅrvågenhedKonstitueretRigiditetProjektionTilredtTaktilHemmeligIn Medias ResGibbernakkerJotaGroomingBalletterUgidelighedFaldeTørSpareSolgtEnigMeditereFilosofGibbernakkerForbuddetBalleAllokeringKretinerOversøiskHybrisForbeholdEtableringDronningBraminP.T.VeUforbeholdenSlæbeForslagHlTiltrængtBlankettenIdylliskDansemusKuldeUgerneKommentere