
Hvad betyder assertion?

En assertion er en påstand eller erklæring lavet af en person eller en kilde. Det er typisk en udtalelse, der er beregnet til at blive betragtet som sand eller faktuel uden nogen bevis eller dokumentation. En assertion kan være baseret på personlig overbevisning, erfaring, opfattelse eller bare en generel tro. Det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på, at en assertion ikke nødvendigvis er rigtig eller pålidelig, medmindre den er bekræftet af troværdige og verificerbare kilder eller beviser.

Sætninger med assertion

  • She made a bold assertion that she would win the race.
  • The lawyers assertion was that his client was innocent.
  • Her assertion that she was the best candidate was met with skepticism.
  • The scientist backed up his theories with strong assertions.
  • He made an assertive assertion that he deserved a raise.
  • She confidently stated her assertion about the benefits of exercise.
  • The politicians assertion that taxes should be lowered gained support from the public.
  • Despite opposition, she stood by her assertion that climate change is real.
  • His assertion that he could solve the problem was met with doubt.
  • The professors assertion that the Earth is flat was met with laughter.
  • The athletes assertion that he would break the record was praised by his coach.
  • Her assertion that she could speak five languages fluently impressed the interviewer.
  • The teachers assertion that all students are capable of success was motivating.
  • He made a controversial assertion that shook the scientific community.
  • The politicians bold assertion that he would end poverty resonated with voters.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Claim
  • Statement
  • Declaration
  • Avowal
  • Proclamation
  • Profession
  • Allegation
  • Pronouncement
  • Assertion
  • Asseveration

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • denial
  • refutation
  • negation
  • doubt
  • rejection
  • contradiction
  • skepticism
  • disbelief
  • questioning
  • disavowal
  • opposition
  • disagreement


Ordet assertion stammer fra det latinske ordet assertio og har rødder i det latinske verb assertus, som betyder at påstå eller at hævde.

Andre populære ord: Mhp.ForkyndeUdhuleMasochistiskeKorrigeretMentDjøfErFallitForsagerLuKontinuitetVanilleHævdvundnePøbelEklipseSkemaRooibosStrukturelSænkesÆrindeFølgebrevInteraktivPassioneretOmsorgspersonNejAgendaMeningGigoloKarlLuderBeliggenhedKådSodomiProkuristFritageIndignationSceneReducereMetodologiskSenereEventKongruensVejledningTagryggenKompliceretFugtighedHovereEksplosivtBegærStiplet