
Hvad betyder appeasement?

Sætninger med appeasement

  • Appeasement is a diplomatic strategy that aims to avoid conflict by making concessions to an aggressive power.
  • The policy of appeasement was famously employed by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain towards Nazi Germany in the late 1930s.
  • Critics argue that appeasement only emboldens aggressors and leads to further aggression.
  • Despite the best efforts of appeasement, war broke out in Europe in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland.
  • Appeasement is often seen as a weak and ineffective approach to dealing with aggression.
  • The Munich Agreement of 1938 is a prime example of appeasement, as Britain and France agreed to let Germany annex parts of Czechoslovakia.
  • Appeasement can be a politically expedient strategy in the short term, but it often has negative long-term consequences.
  • Many historians believe that appeasement played a significant role in allowing Hitler to gain power and expand Germanys territorial ambitions.
  • The policy of appeasement is based on the belief that concessions and negotiations can prevent war.
  • Appeasement is a complex and controversial strategy that continues to be debated by scholars and policymakers.
  • Some argue that appeasement is a necessary and pragmatic approach to dealing with aggressive powers, while others see it as an ineffective and dangerous policy.
  • The failure of appeasement in the 1930s is often cited as a lesson in the dangers of appeasing dictators and aggressors.
  • Appeasement can be a difficult and delicate balancing act, as it requires weighing the desire for peace against the need to stand up to aggression.
  • The Munich Agreement was widely criticized as an act of appeasement that sacrificed the interests of Czechoslovakia for the sake of avoiding conflict.
  • Appeasement is often seen as a misguided and shortsighted approach to dealing with aggression, as it often fails to address the root causes of conflict.

Ord med samme betydning

  • Acquiescence
  • Conciliation
  • Pacification
  • Indulgence
  • Compliance

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • confrontation
  • resistance
  • defiance
  • opposition
  • confronting


Ordet appeasement stammer fra det engelske verb appease, som har sin oprindelse i det latinske ord ad- (hen imod) og pax (fred). Betydningen af appease er at forsøge at berolige eller tilfredsstille en person eller en gruppe for at undgå konfrontation eller uenighed. Appeasement refererer derfor til handlingen eller strategien om at imødekomme andres krav eller ønsker for at opnå fred eller undgå konflikt. Ordet blev især kendt i 1930erne i forbindelse med vesteuropæiske politikeres forsøg på at indgå aftaler og kompromisser med Hitler og Nazityskland for at undgå en fremtidig krig.

Andre populære ord: AmorinMellemledAntonymerTeksturProminentRanglisteLuftboblerUkarakteristiskKatedralenLøgnereUhyrligtUagtetVisneLaurbærInterpretationIndlangeMaterialeProcesAssistFodsporDags DatoKontrafejRudeMenageriQuoØnskescenarieRekvisitionUnikumForPlacerSeraRapporteringMandschauvinistTørKrampeLæremiddelSaligAliasVendDøgnHjemmehosserFokusPatetiskDavreSocioøkonomiskElektrodeSubstitutionMaterialeKadre