
Hvad betyder alert?

Alert refers to a state of heightened awareness or attention in response to a potential or actual threat or danger. It is typically used to describe a warning or notification designed to inform and prompt individuals to take immediate action or precautionary measures. Alerts can be issued through various channels, such as alarms, sirens, messages, or visual signals, and are commonly used in emergency situations, security systems, weather warnings, and other critical events where quick action is necessary to ensure safety or mitigate harm.

Sætninger med alert

  • She watched the news all night, keeping alert for any updates.
  • The security guard was always alert, ready to respond to any potential threat.
  • A loud noise suddenly broke the silence, making everyone alert.
  • The flashing lights and blaring sirens put everyone on high alert.
  • After a restless night, he woke up feeling alert and refreshed.
  • Her keen senses kept her alert to any changes in her surroundings.
  • The teacher reminded the students to stay alert during the exam.
  • He received an alert on his phone about severe weather approaching.
  • The dog barked loudly, alerting the family to the stranger at the door.
  • The smoke alarm sounded, alerting everyone to the fire.
  • She pressed the panic button, alerting the police to the intruder.
  • He set his phone to receive news alerts so he could stay informed.
  • The ships crew remained on constant alert for any signs of pirates.
  • An alert was issued for a missing child in the area.
  • She signed up for email alerts to be notified of any sales or discounts.

Ord med samme betydning

  • awake
  • watchful
  • vigilant
  • attentive
  • observant
  • cautious
  • wide-awake
  • sharp
  • keen

Ord med omvendt betydning

  • Unaware
  • Relaxed
  • Nonchalant
  • Blind
  • Obtuse


Ordet alert stammer oprindeligt fra fransk og blev oprindeligt brugt som et adjektiv, der betød vågen eller opmærksom. Det kommer fra det latinske udtryk ad lertus, hvor ad betyder til eller mod og lertus betyder opmærksom. Ordet blev senere adopteret og brugt på engelsk og andre sprog for at beskrive en tilstand af øget opmærksomhed eller beredskab.

Andre populære ord: OverførelseHenstandGængsKalibrereLunefuldPikeGildingSienTaktilMåltidetForeslåLentoSimulationCheckhæftePionerLikvidereLeksikonBureaukratiskMålrettetSkrøneKryLaminarGerneStandpunktIdiomEskapadeEksUndervandFattesForudsigelseNiereImødekommendePejlemærkeReguleretLingoParallelBoligydelseGerningsmandPengeBrugsuddelerSejleHenvendelseKontraSystematiskPrototypeArbitrærLemManglerTolUd